Hizey Farm Service LLC

3755 Stringtown Rd., Lancaster, OH 43130 740-756-4810

We would like to remind our  customers of the product lines and service we are currently supplying.   Our goal is to offer high quality after market parts at a substantial  savings.

CFC - planter, tillage, drill & combine parts

Nichols - tillage and planter/drill parts

Firestone - Ag. & Ind. Tires - local mounting available

K&M - Cab interior kits, seats & tractor accessories

J&M Mfg. - Grain handling equipment

AP Air - Tractor & Combine air conditioning parts

Howard Enterprise - engine parts

Herschel - farm machinery parts

A&I - tractor & combine parts (radiators, clutches, steering, hitch & others)

Riley Tractor Parts - Many new parts for older tractors

S.I. Dist. - planter attachments

Keeton & Schaffert - seed firmers

VH Mfg. - Combine, header and planter parts

Yetter Mfg. - planter & no-till attachments

Hy-Capacity - air cond., clutch, water pumps and other parts

Schmidt Machine - 10% savings on Schmidt manufactured parts

Reconditioning planter and fertilizer coulter pivots and arms

Many orders are shipped factory direct so out of state orders are not a problem.

JD 750 and later no-till drill bushing kits to repair loose seed boots

JD 750 seed press wheel arm pivot pin replacement

JD/Kinze cast closing wheel machining

Other repairs upon request

Thank you, Bob & Carla Hizey 
